What is Project Me?
Project Me is a self chosen path of discovery about me, my life, my choices and decisions which have lead me to where I am and will guide me to where I want to be. It is comprised of several different areas of my life - areas where I am considering changes and know that those changes are for my good in both the short and long term.
Spiritual - what are my spiritual goals and what am I doing to achieve them?
Emotional - how healthy am I emotionally and what challenges am I facing in my life? Is there work for me to do to create an emotionally healthier life?
Physical - Am I taking care of this body I have been given and if I am not, why?
Mental- What beliefs about myself do I hold deep within me that keep me from progressing in other areas of my life? What am I willing to do to change that?
Because I judge this process to be of the utmost importance , I have decided to put other things on hold for 6 months. One of the things I have decided to forgoe is Facebook. I am choosing to spend the time and energy on other things and once my life is in better harmony and balance, I may decide to look at it again. I find I am highly distracted by the lives of others, the running commentary of people's lives and my choice to participate at a very minimal level in others lives.
I want more real interaction, real friendships and to consider my real life more than my vitual experiences.
I will also be setting some goals and writing about them for the areas I mentioned above so I have a way of tracking my own progress. I find it helpful to see progress over time and realize my successes and failures in the process.
Thank you for joining me on my journey - at the end of the day, we are not alone. We simply may not yet have found our companions in the journey of life. Will you join me?