I know myself really, really well.
And if there was any other way to do this, I would do it, but for me, there wasn't another way.
So I chose the path that made the most sense to me and would yield the best results because my pride would not let me give up. You see, when left to my own resources, I can be lazy. Not garden variety lazy, but grab a carton of sea salt caramel chunk ice cream and plant my carcass in front of mindless television, kind of lazy.
And thank goodness, it doesn't happen often.
I want to love exercising. I really do. I want to be one of those people who just "can't live without it". And
I am so much more the gal that will over do, have aches and pains for several days because my muscles are sore and then give myself an excuse to give up. And I have done it sooo many times... as I said, I know myself well.
So... back to what I did to help me overcome the natural woman, so to speak.
Our company participates in something called the Global Corporate Challenge, or GCC for short.

Over 300, 000 employees from hundreds of companies worldwide participate in a 100 day fitness challenge. The goal ? 10,000 steps per day/ per person. Each person belongs to a team of 7 and the teams compete
against all the other world wide teams and against other teams within the company.
When I heard this was going on, my first thought was, " 100 days ? How in the world am I going to walk 10K steps for 100 days ? I can't even get to the gym 5 days in a row."
My solution ? I will be the Captain of a team - and I will motivate myself and my team to strive to do our best. I know I can do it - I have it within me. But honestly, I have not bothered to push myself in a while to really get going on my personal health goals and my pride is now involved. I can't be a leader and then be hypocrite. I need to walk the talk... literally. 10k steps a day for 100 days. GULP!
We started on Wednesday, May 28th, so today is Day 4. So far, I am at 100% for my targeted steps.
I'm leading my team in the number of steps and watching the scale show the results of all the work I have been doing over the last week or so (since I started working out about a week before the challenge started.)
I had a lovely walk with one of my teammates on our launch day, and she is really committed to using this
as a platform for better health and to making some changes she has wanted to make, but really has not pushed herself to do so. (Does that sound familiar ?)
And at 3:30 p.m.today, I have met my goal. 10, 533 so far today. I am beginning to plant the seeds of enjoying exercise. It could happen.
So my awareness today is that sometimes I choose the tough route so that I can overcome my natural tendencies. I am grateful to know myself - and know what works for me. I am excited to participate as part of my company, to be a leader and to practice supporting and encouraging even when people do absolutely nothing. I will practice giving them to same love I give to myself - an "atta girl" goes a long way! And I'll invite...and I may be alone. And I am okay with that.
It feels good to see short term success - and I look forward to checking in on day 23, day 47, day 59,
day 71...and see the progress we are making as a team.
Here's to team Lost In Pace! WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE PUT OUR MINDS TO !
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